Stori Stori - Dr Jàgùdà ft Madam "Lady"

One sunny day like this in an African city called Lagos.................
Dr Jàgùdà was on his own thinking of the garri and groundnut he would drink for lunch when suddenly, "knock knock "
Dr Jàgùdà:-(Hurriedly banishing the garri thoughts) Come in.
Madam "Lady": Dr., Help ooo,
My period is becoming brown in color,
Is there any infection?

Dr Jàgùdà: Wow!
Brown in Color???
So How often u have sex?

Madam "Lady" : SEX???!!
Twice in a year

Dr Jàgùdà: Twice in a year??
Its not an infection jooor, its RUST!!!
Go and get a MAN!!!


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